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Marriages struggle in diaspora due to lack of clarity

There is no better time to pursue your happiness, enjoy your marriage and live a purpose-filled life as a couple than when you both make the sacrifice to relocate to a new country and help each other to steer the transition into a new life.

The truth is that relocation is not for everyone as it can also have an adverse impact on people in different ways; just because a wife is happy to make the move does not mean that the husband is happy to make the same choice too.

However, when you both decide to relocate together, it is important to understand the sudden adjustments you will have to make even before you leave and begin to mark out your plans to navigate these changes ahead.

Be aware of your situation
Many marriages in the diaspora are struggling today due to a lack of clarity and misconception about relocation with more male partners being persuaded by their female partners to move abroad in pursuit of a better life especially when they have young children.

While some men are supportive of this idea and happy to provide all the finances involved to make the necessary changes, others have been pressured by their wives to leave their high-flyer jobs for uncertainty in a new country.

In such a situation, be sincere with yourselves, understand your circumstances, and be patient and sensitive to your partner’s feelings so that you can help each other adjust at your individual pace.
Share your fears, worries
There has never been a time when talking and listening to each other is more vital than during this period of uncertainty. Moving into a new country can be a bitter-sweet experience for many couples but with the power of commitment and a positive mindset, it is possible to enjoy the benefits a new country can bring.

Even if your partner was sceptical at first, sharing your fears and uncertainties will help to steer you in the right direction. Sharing is a true element of love in every good marriage which can create a sense of companionship and responsibility towards each other.

Studies have shown that couples who cannot share their feelings can also find it hard to support each other during difficult life changes and are more likely to suffer distress. This weakness can have a huge impact on your emotional, physical and social wellbeing.

Build a positive mindset

One of the secrets to sustaining a good relationship in a new country is displaying generous acts of love and kindness towards each other. This mindset can also help in building a strong connection and reassurance which is much needed especially when you live far away from your loved ones.

They say that the little gestures often make the biggest impact in relationships especially when they are done intentionally and constantly.
Studies show that hands-on men make the finest husbands and fathers; they are caring and share responsibilities with their spouses without feeling insignificant in their marriages.

The small act of love such as dividing household chores fairly and supporting your children’s routines can make the biggest impact in your lives and reduce the burden and stress usually imposed on women in your home country.
